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How teams can navigate uncertainty and future threats

By Kirstie McFarlane

The global pandemic, the looming recession in many of the world’s economies, and the impact of a geopolitical crisis like the war in Ukraine – all of these may result in teams experiencing nerve-wracking moments of anxiety, exhaustion and even burnout when faced with the unknown.

As a group of professional coaches and entrepreneurs, we started Teamery in the midst of the global pandemic and we continue to gain insights into what is needed for teams to navigate through both macro and micro levels of uncertainty. So, what have we learnt along the way?

At Teamery we build in regular focus time to work on Teamery – checking in with each other, our purpose, culture, values, and strengths. Having a deep sense of certainty about these core elements enhances the team’s confidence and courage to step into the unknown.

We regularly reach out to industry experts like Luke McKend from LinkedIn and Paul Barbour from Henley Business School to gain insights into the latest thinking and industry trends and we share these on our various social media platforms. This speaks to our purpose of Building Better Teams and blends with our values of collaboration and shared learning.

We know that the ability to change how teams view uncertainty and future threats is a key factor in determining their success, and we partner with them to shift their lens from fear and anxiety toward curiosity about opportunities and possibilities instead.

To thrive in this fast-paced, volatile and complex world of work, needs teams to act and make decisions despite not knowing what lies ahead. The Teamery team has first-hand experience in how to navigate these unchartered waters and we would welcome the opportunity to partner with you and your team to do the same. You can contact us here.

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